Alexandria, VA
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Alexandria and many other Virginia Cities
Alexandria, Virginia
On the Potomac River within eyesight of Washington, DC, Alexandria, Virginia is nationally recognized for its rich history and beautifully preserved 18th- and 19th-century architecture. First settled in 1695, the city retains its colonial spirit, with cobblestone streets and historic buildings in the Old Town, Gadsby’s Tavern, a restaurant serving food since 1770, and centers of learning like the Black History Museum.
LDS Population
LDS Members make up 2.09% of the population of Alexandria. The state of Virginia has 90,738 members in 19 stakes, 157 wards, 40 branches, and 2 missions.
LDS History
Jedediah M. Grant, an early missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was highly demanded in Virginia. He received three speaking invitations for every one he could fill in the 1840s. His listeners gave him a horse, clothing, and funds to assist his future preaching assignments. In 1841, there were some 80 members of the Church in Virginia. After Grant and his brother left the state in 1842, another missionary, R.H. Kinnamon, traveled to nine counties and baptized more than 100 people.
LDS REALTORS Alexandria, VA Area
A FREE service connecting you with experienced LDS Real Estate Agents in Alexandria and the surrounding area.
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Washington DC Temple
8 miles N of Alexandria
Family Friendly
Get carried away in Old Town’s enchanting waterfront setting, Del Ray’s artsy and eclectic scene, and neighborhoods beyond. River cruise boats and street entertainers frequent the large plaza at the foot of King Street; the Mount Vernon Trail also passes through. Some of the historic landmarks in Old Town include General Robert E. Lee’s boyhood home, the Lee-Fendall House, a replica of George Washington’s townhouse, Gadsby’s Tavern, the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Shop, and the Torpedo Factory art studio complex.
About 147,391 people call Alexandria home. It is the seventh largest and highest income independent city in Virginia. A portion of adjacent Fairfax County, Virginia is named Alexandria, but is under the jurisdiction of Fairfax County and separate from the city; the city is sometimes referred to as the City of Alexandria or Alexandria City to avoid confusion.