Clarkville, TN
We connect home buyers and sellers with real estate professionals in
Clarkville and many other Tennessee Cities
Clarkville, Tennessee
Clarkville was incorporated in 1785 as Tennessee’s first incorporated city, and named for General George Rogers Clark, frontier fighter and Revolutionary War hero, and brother of William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Clarksville is the home of Austin Peay State University; The Leaf-Chronicle, the oldest newspaper in Tennessee; and neighbor to the Fort Campbell, United States Army base.
LDS Population
LDS Members make up 2.08% of the population of Clarkville. In the state of Tennessee there are 43,179 members, 10 stakes, 68 wards and 24 branches, 2 missions, and 2 temples.
LDS History
David W. Patten and Warren Parish arrived in Tennessee shortly before 11 October 1834 and soon baptized 31 people: organizing a branch by the end of the year. On March 27, 1835, Wilford Woodruff, then a priest, came to assist Parrish. When Warren Parrish was called as a Seventy in July 1835, he ordained Woodruff as an elder and placed him in charge of the work in Tennessee. The worst massacre of Church members in the South, however, occurred on August 10, 1884 when a mob shot to death missionaries William S. Berry and John H. Gibbs and local members W. Martin Conder and John Riley Hutson during LDS Church services.
LDS REALTORS Clarkville, TN Area
A FREE service connecting you with experienced LDS Real Estate Agents in Clarkville and the surrounding area.
As seen on BYU-TV, we understand your family needs and concerns about food storage, ward boundaries, seminary and more. Find an LDS Realtor now!

Nashville Tennessee Temple
47 miles SE of Clarkville
Family Friendly
Clarkville is a mixture of metropolitan with a healthy dose of small town charm.The Clarkville area offers a wide variety of recreational facilities and activities for all ages. Both the Cumberland and Red Rivers can provide endless hours of aquatic excitement.
Clarkville is the fifth-largest city in the state. The city had a population of 132,957 at the 2010 census, and an estimated population of 142,519 in 2012. Clarkville is the fifth-fastest growing city in the nation, of cities with a population over 50,000.