Louisville, Kentucky
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Louisville and many other Kentucky Cities
Louisville, KY
Louisville is best known as the location of the Kentucky Derby, the first of the three annual races that make up the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing. It is the home of the University of Louisville and three of Kentucky’s six Fortune 500 companies. Its airport is also the site of UPS’s worldwide air hub.
LDS Population
LDS Members make up 0.68% of the population of Louisville. In the state of Kentucky there are 32,261 members in 7 stakes, 42 wards, 34 branches, 1 mission, and 1 temple.
LDS History
The first missionaries known to have visited Kentucky were Samuel H. Smith and Reynolds Cahoon. They passed through the northern part of Kentucky in late June 1831 on their way to Missouri. The first branch organized was at Drury Creek in Campbell County. It was established in April 1834 by Robert Culbertson. The first conference of the Church in Kentucky was held 26 February 1836. By 1900, there were about 1,700 members of the Church in Kentucky. On 1 January 1929, Kentucky was placed in the jurisdiction of the East Central States Mission with headquarters in Louisville. The mission name was changed to the Kentucky Louisville Mission on 20 June 1974.
LDS REALTORS Louisville, KY Area
A FREE service connecting you with experienced LDS Real Estate Agents in Louisville and the surrounding area.
As seen on BYU-TV, we understand your family needs and concerns about food storage, ward boundaries, seminary and more. Find an LDS Realtor now!

Louisville Kentucky Temple
19 miles NE of Louisville in Crestwood
Family Friendly
Named the Top Travel Destination for 2013 by Lonely Planet Louisville is a city on the move, with major amenities like world-class performing arts, great sports, and incredible dining.
About 597,337 people call Louisville home. The settlement that became the city of Louisville was founded in 1778 by George Rogers Clark and is named after King Louis XVI of France, making Louisville one of the oldest cities west of the Appalachian Mountains.